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WildfireSocial news app

We started Wildfire during our senior year at UC Berkeley as a safety alert app for colleges. Wildfire quickly grew beyond a campus safety tool to a social news app, which empowered people to spread the word quickly to their community when something significant happened nearby. Over six years, we've sent 65 million alerts to nearly 1 million users.

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More About Wildfire

Wildfire + Opendoor


Wildfire, originally launched as a safety alert app for colleges, has evolved into a dynamic social news platform. With over 65 million alerts sent to nearly 1 million users, Wildfire has empowered communities to stay informed and connected. Now, Wildfire is joining forces with Opendoor to build an even brighter future.

Key Features

  • Real-Time Alerts: Stay updated with instant notifications about significant events in your area.
  • Community Engagement: Connect with your local community through social news and discussions.
  • Safety Tools: Originally designed for campus safety, Wildfire continues to prioritize user security.
  • Anonymous Interaction: Communicate freely and anonymously with other users.
  • Event Organization: Easily organize and participate in community events and protests.

Use Cases

  • Campus Safety: Receive timely alerts about safety concerns on and around campus.
  • Social Connectivity: Engage with peers, share news, and make new friends.
  • Event Coordination: Organize and join protests, petitions, and community events.
  • Pandemic Support: Stay connected and entertained through audio rooms and social interactions during lockdowns.
  • Local News: Get localized news and updates relevant to your community.


Wildfire offers a free-to-use platform, ensuring that all users can benefit from its features without any cost barriers.


Wildfire was founded by Hriday, Jay, and Vinay during their senior year at UC Berkeley. The team has grown the app from a campus safety tool to a widely-used social news platform. Now, as part of Opendoor, the team is excited to continue innovating and expanding the app's capabilities.