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Class CentralMake informed online learning decisions

Class Central helps learners Find, Plan, and Track their Online Education As the leading aggregator of MOOCs, Class Central presents curated and student-reviewed high quality courses to help learners make informed online learning decisions. With a simple interface and thousands of reviews, we have helped 4 million people decide which online course to take next. According to SimilarWeb, Class Central is the second biggest source of referral traffic to Coursera. We are building an ecosystem to help guide learners towards their educational goals.

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More About Class Central

Class Central • Find the best courses, wherever they exist.

Discover Top Online Courses from Leading Universities and Providers

Key Features

  • Aggregates courses from 1000+ universities and institutions
  • Comprehensive subject coverage including Computer Science, Health & Medicine, Business, and more
  • User-generated reviews and rankings to help you choose the best courses
  • Free certificates and courses from top providers like Coursera, edX, and Udemy
  • Regular updates on the latest trends and news in online education

Use Cases

  • Enhance your skills with courses in programming, data science, personal development, and more
  • Prepare for career advancement with professional development courses
  • Explore new interests with courses in art, design, humanities, and social sciences
  • Stay updated with the latest advancements in technology and science
  • Access free courses and certifications to boost your resume


Class Central offers a mix of free and paid courses. Many courses come with free certificates, especially from top providers like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft. Premium courses are available at competitive prices, often with financial aid options.


Class Central is powered by a dedicated team of education enthusiasts and experts who curate and review courses to ensure you get the best learning experience. The team also provides insightful articles and guides to help you navigate the world of online education.