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AviatorGoogle-level engineering productivity suite

Aviator is a developer tool that automates merge workflows and keeps builds healthy. Engineers save up to 5 hours a week and avoid frustration of broken builds. Our users include Slack, Bosch, Lightspeed, Square, Benchling, Figma and many others. For instance, Slack went from 180 master-build failures per quarter to just 1 build failure when they started using Aviator. Our goal is to become the leading brand for developer experience.

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More About Aviator

Aviator - Automate Code Reviews, Merges, and Testing Workflows


Aviator is a comprehensive developer collaboration suite designed to streamline code reviews, merges, and testing workflows. Inspired by Google's developer productivity tools, Aviator enhances your workflow for creating, reviewing, testing, and merging code changes in large code repositories.

Key Features

  • MergeQueue: A highly customizable merge queue to keep builds green at scale.
  • Stacked PRs: An open-source CLI to create, update, review, and merge stacked PRs on GitHub.
  • FlexReview Teams: A flexible framework for faster code review cycles without compromising security.
  • Releases: A dashboard to manage deploys, rollbacks, and cherrypicks across all environments.
  • AttentionSet: Inspired by Gerrit, it maintains a set of users currently expected to act on a PR.

Use Cases

  • Large Development Teams: Manage thousands of PRs efficiently, ensuring builds remain stable.
  • Monorepos: Seamlessly merge changes into massive monorepos with custom CI validations.
  • Cross-Repository Changes: Handle changes that touch multiple repositories with ease.
  • Flaky Test Management: Proactively detect and manage flaky tests to maintain build health.
  • Automated Code Reviews: Improve review cycles with dynamic reviewer validation based on code complexity.


Aviator offers flexible pricing plans to suit teams of all sizes:

  • Free Plan: Available for teams under 15 developers.
  • Enterprise Plan: Built for large teams with over 1000 developers, offering on-prem deployments, SOC2 Type II compliance, and real-time support over Slack.


Aviator is designed to support teams of all sizes, from startups to Fortune 500 companies. It provides tools to automate cumbersome merge processes, improve code velocity, and monitor build systems health. Aviator integrates seamlessly with existing CI providers and source-control systems, empowering teams to enhance their developer productivity.

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