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TarsalData pipeline for your security data lake.

Tarsal is a data pipeline custom built for security teams. As security data grows 25% year over year, security teams desperately need access to best-in-class data infrastructure. Tarsal bridges the gap between the modern data stack and security teams, pioneering the modern security data stack.

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More About Tarsal

Tarsal: High-Performance ETL Data Pipeline

Tame the Security Data Jungle

Key Features

  • Zero Maintenance Connectors: Effortlessly connect to all your security data sources.
  • No Code: Seamlessly integrate any source to every destination without writing a single line of code.
  • Automatic Normalization: Standardize data formats across all destinations.
  • Infinite Scalability: Grow your data pipeline as your organization expands.
  • No Vendor Lock-In: Easily switch or add data destinations with one-click.
  • Flexible Migration: Gradually transition analytics from SIEM to data lakes without disruption.
  • Cost-Effective: Optimize your budget by offloading data to more affordable storage solutions.
  • High Performance: Ensure query-ready data on data lakes for advanced analytics.

Use Cases

  • Security Data Ingestion: Simplify the process of collecting and normalizing logs from multiple SaaS providers.
  • Operational Efficiency: Reduce pipeline development time from weeks to minutes.
  • Enhanced Threat Detection: Improve threat detection capabilities with faster data processing.
  • Proactive Security Stance: Enable proactive security measures with real-time data availability.
  • Agile Data Management: Quickly ingest critical data sources into security data lakes.


Tarsal offers flexible pricing plans tailored to your organization's needs. Contact us for a detailed quote and to find the best plan for your security data management requirements.


Tarsal is designed for security teams looking to streamline their data ingestion and normalization processes. Our platform supports teams in:

  • Security Operations: Focus on unique security improvements by automating data management tasks.
  • Detection & Response: Enhance threat detection and response capabilities with efficient data pipelines.
  • Data Management: Achieve speed, autonomy, and agility in managing security data sources.

Get started with Tarsal and streamline your security data in one click. Book a demo today to see how Tarsal can transform your security operations.