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StudyStream24/7 video platform & online community for students to study together

StudyStream is a video platform & online community that allows students to study with others from around the world 24/7 and in real time. It brings accountability & motivation to the students from over 180 countries who study with us daily. We have helped over 3 million students be more productive & motivated, while also feeling less isolated. Our mission is to create a global community of students who can motivate each other to succeed.

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More About StudyStream

StudyStream | Study With Strangers | Study Together


StudyStream is your ultimate companion for productive study sessions. Connect with others from around the globe and work towards your dreams together.

Key Features

  • Focus Room: Join live study sessions with peers.
  • Mobile App: Access StudyStream on the go.
  • Community: Engage with a supportive network of students.
  • Rules and Guidelines: Ensure a productive and respectful environment.
  • Blog: Stay updated with the latest study tips and news.

Use Cases

  • Students: Enhance your study sessions by collaborating with others.
  • Remote Workers: Increase productivity by working alongside peers.
  • Lifelong Learners: Find motivation and support for continuous learning.
  • Exam Preparation: Join focused study groups to prepare for exams.
  • Project Work: Collaborate on projects with like-minded individuals.


StudyStream offers a variety of pricing plans to suit your needs. Whether you're a student on a budget or looking for premium features, we have a plan for you. Visit our website for detailed pricing information.


Our dedicated team at StudyStream is committed to providing you with the best tools and community support to help you achieve your goals. Join us and be part of a global network of motivated learners and professionals.