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TracesTransform your video monitoring with AI

We analyze thousands of video streams to find and track people without facial recognition. Our tech is available as an API and has multiple use cases. Unique people counting, forensic people search, falsa alarm filtering and many more.

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More About Traces

Traces - AI Video Analytics

Transform Your Business with AI Video Analytics

Traces leverages cutting-edge AI technology to revolutionize video surveillance, enabling businesses to extract actionable data from every camera and significantly reduce operational costs.

Key Features

  • Generative AI for Alarm Prevention: Process over 1 million alarms weekly, transforming CCTV cameras into intelligent security assets.
  • Forensic Search: Instantly process thousands of videos to improve security and close cases in minutes.
  • Video Understanding: Make data-driven decisions with accurate, anonymous, real-time investigative tools.
  • Anomaly Detection: Identify unusual activities and potential threats with advanced AI algorithms.
  • Face Blurring: Ensure privacy compliance by automatically blurring faces in video footage.
  • Custom Orders: Tailor the platform to meet specific business needs.

Use Cases

  • Security: Enhance threat detection and reduce false alarms.
  • Retail: Improve loss prevention and gain insights into customer behavior.
  • Transport: Monitor and analyze transportation systems for safety and efficiency.
  • Forensic Analysis: Quickly find targets and close cases with precise video search capabilities.


Traces offers flexible pricing plans to suit various business needs. Contact us for a detailed quote and to find the best plan for your organization.


Our dedicated team of AI experts and engineers is committed to providing top-notch video analytics solutions. We work closely with clients to ensure seamless integration and optimal performance of our platform.

Get started with Traces today and transform your video surveillance into a powerful tool for business growth and security.