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HatchwaysWe make engineering interviewing look more like real work.

Easily customize GitHub-based technical assessments, where candidates can complete tasks like reviewing code, submitting a pull request, or improving a system’s design. Hatchways helps you build a state-of-the-art practical interview process that is customized to your role while saving you engineering interview load along the way.

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More About Hatchways

Hatchways - Real-world Technical Interviews


Hatchways revolutionizes the technical interview process by allowing companies to assemble, send, and track assessments via git repositories. Our platform provides a superior candidate experience by focusing on real-world tasks, ensuring a more equitable and inclusive hiring process.

Key Features

  • Customizable Interviews: Tailor assessments to match your company's specific needs.
  • Real-world Tasks: Candidates complete tasks like submitting pull requests or reviewing code.
  • Assessment Templates: Use our data-driven templates or upload your own.
  • Multi-language Support: Offer code challenges in any programming language.
  • Streamlined Grading: Utilize automated tests and cloud deployments or human reviewers.
  • ATS Integration: Seamlessly integrates with Lever, Greenhouse, and Ashby.

Use Cases

  • Technical Hiring: Identify the best candidates with real-world coding challenges.
  • Candidate Experience: Provide a stress-free and engaging interview process.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Create equitable assessments that reflect day-to-day job tasks.
  • Early Career Programs: Enhance your organization's diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging initiatives.


Hatchways offers flexible pricing plans tailored to your company's needs. Contact us to learn more about our pricing options and find the best plan for your team.


Hatchways is designed for engineering teams looking to improve their hiring process. Our platform helps you save time, get better hiring signals, and provide a superior candidate experience. Whether you're a startup or a large enterprise, Hatchways can help you streamline your technical interviews and hire the best talent.