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DowntobidUsing AI to understand construction plans faster.

Our product helps GCs automatically identify scopes of work, find qualified local subcontractors, and send personalized bid invites.

Real Estate and Construction
United States of AmericaAmerica / CanadaRemoteFully Remote
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More About Downtobid

Downtobid – Turn Construction Plans into Bid Invites in Minutes


Downtobid leverages AI to transform construction plans into bid invites swiftly, helping you identify bid packages in drawings and create custom subcontractor invite lists.

Key Features

  • AI-driven bid package detection
  • Custom subcontractor invite lists
  • Personalized invites
  • Real-time contractor data
  • Comprehensive bid preparation tools

Use Cases

  • Streamlining bid preparation
  • Enhancing subcontractor engagement
  • Expanding bidding reach to new markets
  • Improving bid response rates
  • Personalizing contractor communication


Get to Work

  • $0 per month
  • One trial project


  • $150 per month
  • Unlimited active projects
  • Up to 3 users
  • Dedicated bid coordinator


  • $500 per month
  • Everything in Starter
  • Up to 10 users
  • Sublist cleanup and migration
  • Access to DTB sub network

For custom plans, contact us for more information.


Downtobid is designed to break free from outdated contractor databases, providing your team with comprehensive, real-time contractor data to ensure project success. Instantly connect with verified trade partners and supercharge your projects.