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NectomeBuilding a way to preserve long-term memories.

Nectome is a neuroscience startup that aims to preserve the brain and keep all its memories intact. The company is building the next generation of tools to preserve the connectome. The connectome is all the connections called synapses between neurons in the brain. Researchers from the company is now learning to manipulate individual memories, building advanced brain prosthetics, and reverse-engineering the brain.

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More About Nectome

Nectome – Advancing the Science and Technology of Memory

Pioneering Memory Preservation and Research

Key Features

  • Connectome Preservation: The foundation for developing new models of the nervous system.
  • Molecular Dynamics: In silico modeling of vitrifixation processes, complementing biomolecular assay work.
  • Memory Extraction: An emerging subfield with significant potential for progress.
  • Biomolecular Preservation: Verification of preservation efficacy for various biomolecule classes.

Use Cases

  • Scientific Research: Enhancing understanding of how the brain creates and stores memories.
  • Medical Applications: Potential future applications in treating memory-related conditions.
  • Technological Development: Innovating new techniques for biological preservation.


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Nectome is a dedicated research company focused on the science of memory. Our team designs and conducts experiments to uncover the physical mechanisms of memory creation and develops advanced preservation techniques to maintain these memory traces. Interested in joining our mission? Explore career opportunities on our careers page.