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Hunter2Hunter2 trains engineering teams in application security through…

Hunter2 teaches modern appsec to engineering teams through interactive labs. Developers get hands-on practice exploiting and patching real web apps written in their tech stack.

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Veracode Security Labs | Secure Coding Practices


Veracode Security Labs empowers developers to learn secure coding practices through hands-on, real-world exercises. By bridging the gap between security and development teams, Veracode fosters a culture of security advocacy and proactive vulnerability prevention.

Key Features

  • Shift Knowledge Left: Build a positive security culture by integrating security practices early in the development process.
  • Real Code Security: Understand vulnerabilities in real-time and learn to write secure code.
  • Reduce Time To Education: Implement learnings quickly with contextual, just-in-time feedback.
  • Hands-On Coding Exercises: Find and fix vulnerabilities in real applications in 10 minutes or less.
  • Live Web & Mobile Apps: Practice in a containerized environment managed by Veracode.
  • New Labs Added Monthly: Stay updated with hundreds of labs in major programming languages.
  • Progress Tracking & Reporting: Track individual or team progress with set modules and deadlines.
  • Gamification & Events: Engage teams with leaderboards, capture-the-flag events, and certifications.
  • Compliance-Driven Labs: Meet certification requirements like SOC2, HITRUST, and PCI.

Use Cases

  • Reduce Security Tech Debt: Equip developers with the knowledge to write secure code.
  • Safely Exploit Insecure Apps: Learn by breaking and fixing insecure apps in a safe environment.
  • Effortlessly Train, Retain, and Govern: Tailor training content, measure growth, and meet compliance needs.


Veracode offers flexible pricing plans tailored to the needs of different organizations. Contact Veracode for a detailed quote and to request a demo.


Veracode Security Labs is designed for both developers and security teams. It helps developers spend more time writing code and less time fixing vulnerabilities, while providing security teams with pervasive, non-invasive application security solutions. By connecting security and development teams, Veracode ensures adoption and compliance across the organization.