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MillionMake websites fast, automatically

Million is an APM that makes websites fast, automatically. We use AI to automatically find performance issues and write code to fix them.

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Million Lint 1.0-rc: Speed Up Your Website by 70%


Million Lint 1.0-rc is a powerful tool designed to identify and fix slow code in your React applications, significantly speeding up your website by up to 70%.

Key Features

  • Identify Slow Code: Quickly find the slowest components in your app.
  • Inline Renders: View components, hooks, and more directly inside your IDE.
  • Lightweight: Best in class performance with less than 4kB gzipped and under 1% of JS execution time.
  • Optimizing Compiler: Use the Million.js compiler to optimize DOM-heavy operations.
  • Production Observability: Collect and view production application data (errors, performance) in your IDE.
  • 24/7 Support: Get help anytime with our round-the-clock support.

Use Cases

  • Web Developers: Optimize React applications for better performance.
  • QA Engineers: Identify and reproduce performance issues quickly.
  • Product Teams: Ensure a smooth user experience by fixing slow code.
  • Enterprise Solutions: Tailored support and optimization for large-scale applications.


  • Free Account: Start building and optimizing with a free account.
  • Enterprise Solutions: Speak to an expert for customized enterprise needs.


Million Lint is developed by a dedicated team of experts focused on providing the best tools for optimizing React applications. Trusted by companies that ship to over 3 million users, our team is committed to helping you achieve the best performance for your website.