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LumonaProduct search featuring recommendations from creators you trust.

Lumona is a product search engine that brings you high-quality recommendations from the creators you trust. Instead of you wading through pages of clickbait Google results or adding "reddit” to your search, we serve you the products you would otherwise spend hours researching for. As the internet and search have evolved, it has become increasingly obvious that searching the whole internet is now a bug, not a feature. In today’s era of constant information overload, finding the best products to meet your needs amid a sea of SEO-spam and sneaky advertising has never been harder. Imagine trying to find an effective skincare routine, currently you have to comb through countless YouTube videos and Reddit threads to understand the steps of what an ideal routine looks like for you before even deciding which products you want. Lumona simplifies those steps into one search, showing the best products for you, as recommended by the content creators you watch and the communities you visit every day, in one place. We have been working together since meeting during our sophomore year at MIT, recently winning first place at the HackMIT hackathon this past September. As part of MIT’s student-run Web Lab class, we taught over 300 students modern web development. Growing up in the age of social media, we’ve always been influenced by content creators in the products we buy, and have spent endless hours learning how to research and shop for the products we need amid an internet drowning in noise. We are committed to fixing product search—so that you never have to add “reddit” to the end of your searches ever again.

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