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MarblismGenerate a fully-functional web app from a single prompt

Everyone dreads the first few lines of code: choosing frameworks, designing UI/UX, setting up your project, integrating front-end with back-end… That's why we created Marblism: just describe your app, and voila! Here’s how the magic work: 1. Describe the product you want to build: it works well for SaaS, marketplaces, social apps and AI apps 2. We generate the database and the back-end 3. We generate the front-end 4. You clone the github repos and you’re ready to go The 90% heavy lifting work is done for you. You focus on adding your 10% unique touch. You can launch your idea in days not months.

Marblism screenshot
More About Marblism

Marblism - Launch Your Full-Stack NextJS App in Minutes


Marblism is a revolutionary platform designed to help developers launch full-stack NextJS applications in minutes. Whether you're building a SaaS app, a marketplace, or a social platform, Marblism takes care of the heavy lifting, allowing you to focus on adding your unique touch.

Key Features

  • Front-end/Back-end: All endpoints and pages are AI-generated.
  • Database: Database schema is AI-generated.
  • Authentication: Supports email/password and 30+ social logins.
  • OpenAI Integration: Seamless integration with OpenAI API.
  • Emails: Use Mailjet or add your own provider.
  • Payments: Checkout session and subscription management.
  • File Upload: Integration with AWS S3.
  • Permissions: Easy role-level access management.

Use Cases

  • SaaS Apps: Quickly build and deploy software as a service applications.
  • Marketplaces: Create platforms for buying, selling, or sharing.
  • Social Apps: Develop social networking applications.
  • Internal Tools: Build tools to streamline your internal processes.
  • AI Apps: Integrate AI capabilities into your applications.


  • Calacatta (Free):
    • 2 apps generation
    • 5 iterations
  • Green Empress ($20/m):
    • 3 apps generation
    • Unlimited iterations
    • Unlimited hosting
  • Black Emperador ($59/m):
    • Unlimited generation
    • Unlimited iterations
    • Unlimited hosting
    • Invite team members


Marblism was created by developers Cyril and Ulric, who understand the challenges of launching new projects. Their goal is to simplify the development process, allowing teams to ship products faster and more efficiently. With Marblism, your codebase will be as beautiful and robust as marble.