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ResonanceOptimally upsell users within your product

Resonance is a platform that maximizes NRR through AI-driven in-product messaging.

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More About Resonance

Resonance - Effortlessly Maximize Net Revenue Retention


Unlock millions in ARR by delivering targeted in-product experiences that optimally upsell, expand, and retain customers. It takes minutes with low or no code.

Key Features

  • Intelligent Targeting: Autonomously optimize campaign conversion rates by ensuring the best performing variant is most likely to be shown.
  • Contextual Triggers: Setup real-time triggers based on user behavior to deliver messages at the right moment.
  • Native Experiences: Embed messages directly into your product to provide a seamless user experience.
  • Sophisticated Guardrails: Govern impression frequency and targeting to prevent user churn.
  • Low-Code/No-Code: Initial setup requires low code, but subsequent campaigns can be launched with no code.

Use Cases

  • Onboarding: Drive user engagement and conversion during the initial onboarding process.
  • Feature Adoption: Promote in-product feature adoption with precise targeting.
  • Customer Retention: Improve customer lifetime value by delivering targeted campaigns post-onboarding.
  • Upselling: Deliver targeted upsell messages to increase revenue.
  • User Engagement: Keep users engaged with timely and relevant in-product messages.


Flexible pricing plans tailored to your business needs. Contact us for detailed pricing information.


Resonance is designed for teams of all sizes and technical capabilities. Engineers, PMs, and marketers can all use the platform. Our low-code to no-code workflows make it friendly for whatever usage pattern your team needs.


  • What are in-product campaigns? In-product campaigns include banners, tooltips, and modals shown to customers when they are actively using a product. They are powerful in driving onboarding, engagement, and conversion.

  • Who can use Resonance? Any company with a website built on React can use Resonance.

  • Do I need to know how to code? This is a low-code tool for initial setup, but once the first-time setup is done, campaigns can be launched with no code.

  • How does it compare to other engagement platforms? Resonance offers flexibility and extensibility as a headless CMS, allowing full control over the appearance and content of messages. It supports both technical and non-technical users.

  • How long does it take to launch a campaign? A couple of minutes if reusing existing formats. For new formats, the one-time setup takes around 10-20 minutes.

  • How long does it take for my company to onboard? Within 30 minutes. We guide your integration process so you can start launching campaigns the day you integrate.

Get in Touch

Join our waitlist to get early access to our beta. Curious about anything? Book a 15-min demo with us!