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TopoAI sales agent custom trained for each company to reach the best leads

We are helping B2B companies reach the right leads with an AI sales agent custom trained on their knowledge. The goal is to reproduce the behavior of a sales top performers: They know the product, the industry, the pain points, and the company's value proposition perfectly (trained on datas from your knowledge base, calls transcript, CRM...). They will find the right leads, ready to buy, based on buying signals in the industry-specific channels (Linkedin, G2, Github...) or on the company's website visitors. That's exactly what the agent can do! Think of it as an expert SDR in your industry, ramp up in minutes.

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Topo AI - Revolutionize Your Outbound Sales

Automate Your Lead Generation with AI

Key Features

  • Custom-Trained AI Agents: Tailored to your business needs using your data and expertise.
  • Industry-Specific Training: Agents trained to excel in various industries like HR, Tech/IT, E-commerce, and Business Teams.
  • End-to-End Growth Engine: Comprehensive solutions covering the entire sales funnel.
  • Email Services: Includes email warmup, spam tests, and mailbox health monitoring.
  • Lead Generation: Generate new and highly qualified leads with industry-specific data sources.
  • Scalable Solution: From early-stage startups to scaling businesses, our AI adapts to your growth.

Use Cases

  • Selling to HR: Target HR professionals with precision.
  • Selling to Tech/IT: Engage tech and IT decision-makers effectively.
  • Selling to E-commerce: Reach out to e-commerce businesses with tailored messaging.
  • Selling to Business Teams: Connect with various business teams across industries.


Topo AI offers a cost-effective solution, significantly cheaper than traditional SDRs. Pricing is customized based on your specific needs and the scale of your operations. Contact us for a detailed quote.


Our team of experts collaborates with you to train AI agents using your data and industry knowledge. This ensures that the AI is perfectly aligned with your business objectives, providing a seamless and efficient outbound sales process.

Put your outbound sales on autopilot with Topo AI. Get started now and see the difference!