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Care WeatherThe highest-accuracy global weather data from low-cost flat satellites

Care Weather collects the highest-accuracy global weather data to help governments and shipping companies adapt to extreme weather. The data is collected by Care Weather’s unique flat-panel radar satellite, which is 1000X more cost effective because it’s vertically integrated, gets more solar power, and sails on top of the atmosphere for a closer view of the surface. Our team includes CEO Patrick Walton (NASA Earth science fellow) and CTO Alex Laraway (mach 4 rockets). In the last 4 months, we built and launched the smallest radar satellite ever. We have $35M worth of LOIs, including one from the Air Force and others from cargo shippers. Care Weather is backed by Boost VC, Kickstart Seed Fund, Y Combinator, and more.

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More About Care Weather

Care Weather: Revolutionizing Weather Monitoring


Care Weather is transforming the way we monitor and understand weather patterns with cutting-edge satellite technology.

Key Features

  • Powerful Weather Satellites: Advanced satellites providing high-quality weather data.
  • Cost-Effective: 1000X less cost compared to traditional methods.
  • Radio Wave Mapping: Utilizes 5 GHz radio waves to map Earth's surface.
  • On-Orbit Operations: First iterations of Veery satellites are already operational in space.

Use Cases

  • Environmental Monitoring: Track and analyze environmental changes from hurricanes to droughts.
  • Asset Management: Monitor potential impacts to assets and operations.
  • Research and Development: Enhance weather-related research with high-quality data.


Care Weather offers competitive pricing models designed to make advanced weather monitoring accessible. Contact us for detailed pricing information and custom solutions.


Our dedicated teams are focused on mass-producing Veery satellites to increase the quantity and quality of weather data. Join our waitlist to be part of this innovative journey.

Join us in revolutionizing weather monitoring and gain unparalleled insights into Earth's weather patterns.