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Javelin RoboticsCopilot for truckers

We help truckers cut delivery times, increasing productivity and adding much needed capacity to the freight industry. We do this by building autonomy software that tag-teams with human drivers. Conventional trucks drive ~120K miles/ year. Trucks with our tech can hit more than 190K miles/ year.

United States of AmericaAmerica / CanadaRemotePartly Remote
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More About Javelin Robotics

Javelin Robotics: Empowering Drivers with Autonomy

Revolutionizing Trucking with Autonomous Technology

Key Features

  • Autonomous On-Demand: Engage the virtual driver whenever needed.
  • Increased Productivity: Maximize trucking capacity and cover more miles.
  • Compatibility: Works seamlessly with major truck OEMs.
  • Route Optimization: Generates turn-by-turn navigation for efficient travel.
  • Safety: Ensures the safety of everyone inside and outside the truck.

Use Cases

  • Long-Haul Trucking: Ideal for long-distance freight transportation.
  • Fleet Management: Enhance the efficiency of your entire fleet.
  • Driver Assistance: Provides a second driver experience, allowing for rest periods.
  • Logistics Optimization: Streamline operations with advanced route planning.


The Javelin virtual driver is available as a subscription service. Secure trucks from your preferred OEM, enable the Javelin driver subscription, and start hauling freight efficiently.


Javelin Robotics is dedicated to working with carriers, shippers, and technology partners to revolutionize the trucking industry. Our team is committed to providing innovative solutions that enhance productivity, safety, and quality of life for drivers.