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CobaDual Currency Accounts For LatAm

Coba makes it easy for Mexican knowledge workers employed by US companies to earn in US Dollars and seamlessly spend locally in Pesos. On average, a knowledge worker will lose $1,000 per year in hidden ForEx and transfer fees. In that process, their money will touch at least 3 different accounts adding time and steps along the way. These workers’ require more than simple money movement, they demand a financial solution that addresses their specific needs: banking, saving, spending - all in two currencies. Coba allows its users to not only deposit and save their earnings in a US account, but also access critical financial services at home in Mexico - from a local credit card to integrated bill pay. With Coba, remote workers can live across two currencies... efficiently and effortlessly.

MexicoUnited States of AmericaLatin AmericaAmerica / CanadaRemotePartly Remote
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