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sizelessMake ML models reproducible and safe.

Sizeless is a platform to help ML teams automatically run, test and improve their models to make ML reproducible and safe. Currently, ML engineers do this manually which takes weeks - we automate this down to a few clicks. ML engineers at Google shopping and computer vision startups are using our platform to shorten their ML development cycle and continuously monitor and fine tune their models. We provide ML engineers with a productivity tool set, so that they can focus on building great ML models. We developed this tool during our PhDs (Cornelius in ML at ETH Zurich and Roger in astrophysics at Cambridge), saving us and our PhD colleagues around 2 weeks per model while generating actionable insights. We launched 10 days ago, have 5 daily active users like ML engineering teams at Google Shopping and in computer vision startups and more than 50 sign ups on our waitlist. We provide ML engineers with a productivity tool set, so that they can focus on building great ML models.

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More About sizeless

Sizeless: Reproducible and Safe AI


Sizeless makes Machine Learning reproducible and safe. Choose a model, and we handle the rest: running at scale and benchmarking ML models.

Key Features

  • Run: Automatically deploy ML models efficiently to CPUs & GPUs.
  • Test: Train, test, and validate models, comparing them to other codes.
  • Improve: Generate insights to enhance model performance and reach KPIs.
  • AI Safety: Uncover and fix model failures to significantly improve performance.
  • Transparency: Know how well models perform compared to others.
  • Optimize Cloud Spend: Efficient deployment ensures you only pay for what you use.
  • Evaluate Across Fields: Benchmarking available for Object Detection, Anomaly Detection, and Visual Inertial Odometry.

Use Cases

  • Object Detection: Benchmark models like PASCAL VOC 2007, COCO, and Yolo v2.
  • Anomaly Detection: Evaluate models with datasets like VisA, Fishyscapes, and MVTec AD.
  • Visual Inertial Odometry (VIO): Test models with datasets such as Railway, EuRoC MH1, and TUM-VI.


Pricing details are tailored to your specific needs. Contact us to get a customized quote based on your usage and requirements.


Sizeless is built for and trusted by ML engineers, researchers, and academics. We accelerate the AI journey by providing a shortcut for ML teams everywhere, speeding up the development cycle from prototyping to deployment. Focus on building ML models while we handle the complexities of running and benchmarking them at scale.