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CorgeaFix vulnerable code using AI

Corgea helps companies fix vulnerable code quicker, and save 80% of the engineering cost & time in fixing these issues. It does this by using AI to write code fixes and issues pull-requests for your engineers to approve. You can see examples of real fixes here:

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More About Corgea

Corgea - AI-Powered AppSec Engineer

Revolutionizing Application Security with AI

Key Features

  • Automatic Triage and Fixes: Corgea uses AI to automatically identify and fix insecure code.
  • Increased Efficiency: Reduces 80% of the effort spent on fixing issues, allowing engineers to focus on revenue-generating tasks.
  • Single-Click Fixes: Security teams can issue fixes with a single click, reducing fix times from months to hours.
  • Developer-Friendly: Integrates seamlessly with GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket, eliminating the need for engineers to learn new systems or commands.
  • Language Agnostic: Works with any programming language to secure your code natively.

Use Cases

  • Security Teams: Automate the process of identifying and fixing vulnerabilities, freeing up valuable time and resources.
  • Engineering Teams: Focus on core development tasks while Corgea handles security patches.
  • DevOps: Integrate seamlessly into existing workflows, ensuring continuous security without additional overhead.
  • Startups: Quickly secure your codebase without the need for a large security team.


Corgea offers flexible pricing plans tailored to meet the needs of different teams and organizations. Contact us for a detailed quote and to find the plan that best suits your requirements.


Corgea is designed to support diverse teams across various industries. Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, Corgea's AI-driven approach ensures that your code remains secure with minimal effort from your engineering team. Our solution is trusted by industry leaders and has proven to be effective in automating security fixes, providing peace of mind and allowing teams to focus on innovation.