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Seaflight TechnologiesThe first electric air cargo drone airline

Seaflight Technologies is creating a network for flown cargo on coastal routes, enabled by electric, remote-piloted wingships – our unique friendly flying robots that operate at ultra-low altitude over water for maximum efficiency. This isn't drones for burritos though, unless you want literally a ton of burritos! We are addressing heavy payloads - the hardest stuff to fly electrically. Whether you’re in Antigua or Australia, Saipan or Sumatra, goods can take days or weeks to come by boat the cheap way. If you need pharmaceuticals, fresh produce, or electronics quickly, expect to pay 10x or 20x in shipping costs to have it flown. Electric aircraft could be a solution for lowering cost, but we’re stuck with small payloads and low range for many years to come. So for the hundreds of millions of people around the world in coastal or inter-island communities that could benefit the most, the electric aviation revolution just isn’t coming. Unless... Without requiring FAA certification or integration into formal airspace, Seaflight’s simple uncrewed "ground effect" craft will enable high value, time-sensitive cargo to be flown overwater, point-to-point between coastal communities at 10x the speed of a ship, with triple the margin of conventional air freight, and almost double the range or payload of a conventional electric aircraft. Express air cargo continues to grow at double digit pace, it's time to deliver it in the most efficient way possible for cost and climate. You won’t find impossible machines here

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More About Seaflight Technologies

Seaflight | Air Cargo Drones

Revolutionizing Air Cargo Delivery

Seaflight's electric drones are pioneering a new layer in logistics, offering unmatched range, payload capacity, and affordability for same-day air cargo delivery without a green premium.

Key Features

  • Extended Range: Up to 800km / 500 miles
  • High Payload Capacity: Space for three pallets
  • Versatile Operations: Operate from rough fields less than 500ft
  • Aerodynamic Efficiency: Revolutionary flow control system for ultra-high lift and efficiency
  • Ultra-Short Takeoff and Landing: High lift at takeoff and landing for extreme short field operations

Use Cases

  • Same-Day Delivery: Efficiently deliver cargo within the same day over long distances
  • Remote Area Access: Reach remote and hard-to-access locations with ease
  • Cost-Effective Logistics: Reduce operational costs with affordable and efficient drone technology
  • Sustainable Aviation: Contribute to decarbonizing aviation with electric-powered drones


Seaflight offers competitive pricing tailored to meet the needs of various logistics operations. Contact us for detailed pricing information and custom solutions.


Seaflight Technologies was founded in 2022 with a mission to accelerate an electric and equitable future for aviation. Our team, led by Dr. Graham C. Doig, combines expertise in aerodynamics, electric vehicle design, and advanced manufacturing to deliver groundbreaking solutions in air cargo delivery.