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CerrionNest Cam for manufacturing production lines

Cerrion helps manufacturers automatically detect, understand and eliminate problems on their production lines using video-based Computer Vision. Our AI leverages standard CCTV cameras and learns how a manufacturing process looks like when things are going well and can automatically detect and track problems in real-time. For example, one of our customers, a Pepsi supplier producing 500 bottles per minute now automatically detects and reacts to a fallen bottle before it starts blocking their production line.

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More About Cerrion

Cerrion: Empower Your Production Teams


Cerrion’s visual AI empowers production teams to react faster to process deviations, automate root cause analysis, and implement targeted improvement actions, ensuring no minute of production is lost.

Key Features

  • Automated Process Monitoring: Automates production line monitoring, freeing up operators by more than 30%.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Detects deviations before they lead to losses, providing real-time alerts.
  • Actionable Insights: Enables rapid problem understanding and solving by tracking and analyzing anomalies.
  • 40% Time Savings: Increases operator productivity by automating monitoring tasks.
  • 80% More Anomaly Detections: Enhances process oversight with a significant increase in detected anomalies.
  • 10x Faster Problem Understanding: Saves valuable time by quickly identifying and understanding deviations.

Use Cases

  • Production Line Monitoring: Automate the monitoring of key vantage points in real-time.
  • Anomaly Detection: Detect and analyze visually-distinguishable anomalies to prevent losses.
  • Root Cause Analysis: Provide video snippets and data to understand the cause of breakdowns.
  • Performance Tracking: Measure the effectiveness of actions taken to reduce breakdowns.


Cerrion offers tailored pricing plans to fit the specific needs of your production environment. Contact us to schedule a demo and get a customized quote.


Cerrion’s visual AI integrates seamlessly into your production workflows, augmenting your workforce with unprecedented visibility and enabling them to act on problems quicker than ever. Our solution is designed to maximize the potential of your team, providing them with the tools and insights needed to maintain optimal production efficiency.