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effective altruism — the use of high-quality evidence and careful reasoning to work out how to help others as much as possible. Its purpose is to help you figure out how you can do the most good. It will help you think about which cause to focus on and how to use your money or your time to start making a difference, right away.

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More About The Centre for Effective Altruism

Effective Altruism: Doing Good Better


Effective Altruism is a research field and practical community that aims to find the best ways to help others and put them into practice. It focuses on using evidence and reason to determine the most effective ways to benefit others.

Key Features

  • Research-Driven: Utilizes extensive research to identify the most impactful interventions.
  • Global Priorities: Focuses on the most pressing global issues, such as global health, poverty alleviation, and existential risks.
  • Community Engagement: A global network of individuals and organizations dedicated to doing the most good.
  • Career Guidance: Provides resources to help individuals find impactful careers.
  • Charity Recommendations: Offers guidance on high-impact charities to maximize the effectiveness of donations.

Use Cases

  • Preventing Diseases: Supporting organizations like the Against Malaria Foundation to distribute mosquito nets and prevent malaria.
  • Global Health Research: Establishing institutes like the Global Priorities Institute to research and address critical global issues.
  • Technological Safety: Ensuring new technologies, such as AI, benefit humanity through research groups like CHAI.
  • Animal Welfare: Campaigning against factory farming and improving conditions for animals.
  • Pandemic Preparedness: Advocating for human challenge trials to better understand and combat diseases like COVID-19.


Effective Altruism resources and community engagement are generally free. Donations to recommended charities and participation in events may involve costs, but these are aimed at maximizing impact and effectiveness.


The Effective Altruism community is supported by various organizations, including the Centre for Effective Altruism (CEA), which coordinates research, events, and resources. The community involves thousands of individuals and groups worldwide, all working towards the common goal of doing the most good.