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CorpdaqAI-powered financial simulator and financing marketplace

We’re building an AI-powered financial simulator and financing marketplace for profitable SMBs across the Asia Pacific, starting in Indonesia where we’re based. We’re both second-time founders from Indonesia. We started Corpdaq to solve the problems we faced while running our previous startups, Payfazz (which have raised 250M US$ in total) and Verihubs (which have raised 5M US$ in total).

SingaporeSoutheast AsiaRemoteFully Remote
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More About Corpdaq

Corpdaq: Unlock Your Business Potential with AI-Driven Investment Solutions


Corpdaq's AI insight and investment opportunities will guide your business to exceed its current potential. Discover the hidden business potential you never knew you had!

Key Features

  • AI Integrations: Seamlessly integrate AI to connect with suitable investors faster.
  • Investors Matchmaking and Outreach: Match businesses with the most suitable investors based on their profiles and preferences.
  • Data Room and Due Diligence Management: Manage virtual data rooms to store and organize important documents during the due diligence process.
  • Funding Simulation and Planning: Utilize AI-based funding simulations to plan optimal funding strategies.
  • Funding Usage Optimization and Calibration: Ensure efficient and optimal use of funding in accordance with business objectives and market conditions.
  • Investors Reporting and Monitoring: Provide accurate and up-to-date investment reports and monitoring to investors.

Use Cases

  • Villa Accommodation: Hospitality and Tourism, Desired Funding: $250k, Operating Profit: $50k
  • Chicken Farm: Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Desired Funding: $150k, Operating Profit: $30k
  • Beverage Outlet: Food and Drink, Desired Funding: $100k, Operating Profit: $20k


More than $3M is ready to be invested in profitable businesses with a minimum of 1-2 years of operation. Various types of funding are available, including debt, profit sharing, and equity, tailored to ensure optimal business growth.


Corpdaq combines AI-generated insights and AI integration to guide businesses to real growth. Our team not only helps businesses secure funding but also optimizes their funding utilization to ensure sustainable growth.