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et al.Daily feed of insights extracted from your go-to sources using LLMs.

et al. is the mobile app that brings together your newsletters, research papers, podcasts, and more, in one place. Imagine a Twitter feed powered by LLMs delivering you useful content in short sentence insights.

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More About et al.

et al. - Bringing Knowledge Back on a Scroll

Your Curated Feed of Short Engaging Insights from Your Go-To Sources

Key Features

  • Curated Content: Access insights from research papers, world-leading conferences, newsletters, and motivational podcasts.
  • Personalized Feed: Adjust your personal interests to switch up your feed instantly.
  • Deep Dives: Go beyond bite-sized information and explore more about what authors and speakers have to say.
  • Historical Context: Learn about the origins of scrolling from ancient civilizations.
  • Cognitive Insights: Understand the impact of sleep on memory and learning.

Use Cases

  • Academic Research: Stay updated with the latest research papers and conference insights.
  • Professional Development: Enhance your knowledge with curated newsletters and podcasts.
  • Personal Growth: Fuel your curiosity and fill knowledge gaps with engaging content.
  • Sleep Optimization: Learn the importance of sleep for memory consolidation and cognitive function.


  • Free Beta Access: Sign up to test our beta version and provide feedback.
  • Subscription Plans: Details coming soon.


We want to build et al. with you! Whether it’s on the product, content, or just to have a chat, drop us a message. Sign up for updates and be part of our growing community.