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ChartUniversal API for Verified Tax Records

Chart's Unified Tax Record API provides a direct bridge to tax records from the IRS, state tax agencies, and major tax preparation platforms such as TurboTax and H&R Block.

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Chart - Universal API for Verified Tax Records

The automated way for your users to sync federal and state tax records in real time.

Key Features

  • Real-time Access: Integrates with IRS, state tax agencies, and major tax preparation software for real-time record access.
  • Verified Documents: Retrieves tax returns directly from official government databases and well-known tax prep tools, ensuring authenticity.
  • Structured JSON: Automatically processes tax returns with OCR and parses them into well-formed JSON objects.
  • Developer Friendly: Modern REST API with SDKs in major languages, sandbox environments, and comprehensive dev documentation.
  • Multiple Submission Options: Users can submit records by connecting their IRS and state online tax accounts, tax prep software, or by uploading PDFs.
  • Enterprise-grade Security: Non-persistent credentials, compliance with major frameworks, granular access control, and PII reduction options.

Use Cases

  • Tech-Oriented Companies: Automate tax document collection from customers.
  • Financial Services: Streamline the process of obtaining verified tax records for loan applications, financial planning, and more.
  • Accounting Firms: Simplify the collection and verification of client tax documents.
  • Developers: Integrate tax record retrieval into applications with ease using our developer-friendly API.


Contact our sales team for detailed pricing information tailored to your specific needs and usage.


Chart is designed for tech-oriented companies and developers looking to automate and streamline the collection of verified tax documents. Our team is dedicated to providing a secure, reliable, and developer-friendly solution to meet your tax record needs.