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InfisicalOpen-source secrets manager for developers

Infisical is an open-source platform to manage secrets and configs across your team and infrastructure. Infisical stores your secrets and injects them back into your development workflow, CI/CD pipelines, and cloud infrastructure. It comes with secrets versioning, point-in-time recovery, audit logging, automatic secret rotation capabilities, and more.

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More About Infisical

Infisical | Open Source Secret Management

Securely Manage Application Configuration and Secrets

Key Features

  • Infisical CLI: Switch from .env files to Infisical CLI. Keep secrets always in sync with your teammates. Works with any platform and framework.
  • Web Dashboard: A simple interface to manage your secrets, environments, and applications.
  • Secret Leak Prevention: Automatically identify and prevent secret leaks to git using continuous monitoring and precommit checks.
  • Secret Versioning: Track every change of your secrets and rollback to any point in time.
  • Secret Rotation and Dynamic Secrets: Eliminate long-lasting credentials to reduce risk of breach and credential leaks. Generate secrets dynamically on-demand.
  • Integrations: Manage secrets in your favorite cloud providers, infrastructure tools, frameworks, and more.
  • Enterprise-level Governance: Set up tight authorization policies, access control tools, audit logs, approval workflows, and temporary access.

Use Cases

  • Local Development: Securely manage secrets while developing applications locally.
  • Production Environments: Ensure secrets are securely managed in production environments.
  • CI/CD Pipelines: Seamlessly integrate secret management into your CI/CD workflows.
  • Kubernetes Clusters: Manage secrets within Kubernetes clusters.
  • Cloud Providers: Integrate with cloud providers like AWS, Azure, and GCP for secret management.


Infisical offers flexible pricing plans to suit different needs:

  • Free Plan: Ideal for small projects and individual developers.
  • Pro Plan: Suitable for growing teams and larger projects.
  • Enterprise Plan: Custom solutions for large organizations with advanced security and compliance needs.


Infisical is designed to support teams of all sizes:

  • Small Teams: Start quickly and scale effortlessly with minimal setup.
  • Growing Teams: Collaborate efficiently with features like secret versioning and approval workflows.
  • Large Enterprises: Benefit from enterprise-level governance, compliance, and support SLAs.

Infisical provides a comprehensive solution for securely managing application configuration and secrets, ensuring your applications remain secure and compliant.