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CircularSubscription consumer electronics for Asia

Circular is accelerating the adoption of the circular economy by making subscriptions the best way to access and experience tech: from smartphones, laptops, and headphones to gaming, VR and wearables. Our customers get their hands on the best tech through low-cost, convenient subscriptions. They can pay monthly, keep it as long as they want, and if they love it, buy it. If they return it, we carefully refurbish it and pass it on to the next loving owner - radically extending its useful life.

SingaporeSoutheast AsiaRemotePartly Remote
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More About Circular

Circular - Revolutionizing Tech Consumption


Circular is a tech subscription service that's evolving the way we consume technology. By subscribing, our customers have access to the latest tech from the best brands for budget-friendly monthly payments. Our mission is to help the world embrace the circular economy and say goodbye to the days of owning expensive tech devices.

Key Features

  • Access to the latest tech from top brands
  • Budget-friendly monthly payments
  • Sustainable approach through device refurbishment and recycling
  • Flexible subscription lengths
  • Free delivery and easy device swaps

Use Cases

  • Individuals looking to stay updated with the latest tech without the high upfront costs
  • Businesses seeking affordable and flexible tech solutions
  • Environmentally conscious consumers aiming to reduce electronic waste
  • Tech enthusiasts who prefer trying new devices frequently


Circular offers a range of subscription plans tailored to fit different budgets and needs. Choose your tech and subscription length, place your order, and enjoy your device with the flexibility to upgrade, extend, or return at the end of the term.


At Circular, our success depends on the talented and committed individuals who make up our team. We offer a dynamic work environment where creativity and skills are valued, and support is provided by like-minded individuals dedicated to transforming the way we approach business. Join us in our mission to revolutionize tech consumption and make a positive impact on the environment.

Circular for Business

Our business subscriptions are designed to balance affordability and flexibility, making us the first choice for sustainability-minded businesses. The subscription model appeals broadly as it enables businesses to unlock cash flow, helping power and enable growth across a growing network of businesses in Singapore and Australia.