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IoTFlows IncAI-Powered Machine Performance Monitoring

IoTFlows provides comprehensive visibility and valuable insights into manufacturing shop floors. Leveraging artificial intelligence to monitor and analyze the performance of machines based on their vibration and acoustics data, we help manufacturers to identify issues and inefficiencies in the production process and make data-driven decisions to improve performance.

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SenseAi | AI-Powered Machine Performance Monitoring

Revolutionize Your Manufacturing Operations

SenseAi leverages artificial intelligence to monitor and analyze machine performance using vibration and acoustics data. This innovative solution helps manufacturers identify issues and inefficiencies, enabling data-driven decisions to enhance productivity.

Key Features

  • Plug-and-Play Installation: Easy magnetic attachment to machines.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: 4G cellular connectivity for instant data analysis.
  • Comprehensive Sensors: Vibration, acoustics, and LIDAR sensors for detailed performance insights.
  • Instant Notifications: Alerts for machine downtime and anomalies.
  • Multi-Facility Monitoring: Oversee multiple production lines and facilities.

Use Cases

  • Visibility: Gain unprecedented insight into manufacturing processes.
  • Optimization: Track part production, operations, and cycle times.
  • Operator Empowerment: Real-time production visibility for shop-floor operators.
  • Project Tracking: Streamline project management with real-time progress updates.
  • Performance Reports: Access detailed machine performance reports for data-driven decisions.


  • ROI Calculation: Optimize machine performance to achieve significant ROI.
  • Cost Efficiency: Total cost of SenseAi per year is $11,880, with potential ROI per machine per year at $48,120.


SenseAi is designed for diverse roles within manufacturing operations:

  • Analysts: Gain insights into machine performance.
  • Continuous Improvement Managers: Identify and implement efficiency improvements.
  • Engineers and Technicians: Monitor and maintain machine health.
  • Operators: Real-time visibility into machine status and performance.
  • Project Managers: Track and manage project timelines and goals.

Unlock the full potential of your manufacturing operations with SenseAi's AI-powered monitoring solution. Schedule a demo today to see how SenseAi can transform your production processes.