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Keo DevAI-powered task management for professionals

Keo is a task management tool designed for individual professionals seeking a streamline way to stay organized. Its primary functionality is its integration of dedicated AI assistants for each task. This means that every task possesses its own AI assistant that users can interact with. These assistants are designed to understand the context and specifics of the task in order to provide the most relevant and helpful guidance to users. Beyond this, Keo allows users to keep track of their tasks through an accessible, modern interface. This feature maximizes organization and focus by providing an uncomplicated method to categorize and sort work. Another notable feature of Keo is its capability to store notes for each task. The notes functionality integrates with the AI assistant feature by providing context to the AI, which can be leveraged in the users communication with the AI assistant regarding the task. Overall, Keo combines its user-friendly interface and its innovative application of AI in order to deliver a solution for professionals to manage their tasks efficiently.

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