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Extruct AIAutomate B2B research with AI agents

Extruct AI is a platform that automates company research by utilizing autonomous AI agents. These AI tools provide real-time data and allow for customizable workflows, making it a suitable tool for Market Research and Sales teams. Extruct AI performs a variety of functions that aid in B2B company discovery, enrichment, and monitoring. It allows users to describe their search parameters and then uses AI to find high-quality results. Uses include lead generation, where the tool can identify potential leads that fit specific ideal customer profiles, reducing time spent on unproductive opportunities. It also excels in market research, aiding in automated market landscape studies and company analysis. Additionally, it provides competition analysis by tracking and evaluating competing businesses across key metrics. Extruct AI features a 'Company Discovery Engine' to find relevant prospects, 'Flexible Data Enrichment' for customized research workflows, and 'Precise Monitoring' for tailored notifications on company changes. It assures top-tier data quality and uses diverse data sources in a single platform. Besides, it promises updated data without dependency on other vendors' data refresh cycles. Extruct AI can be integrated into other business platforms for seamless operation.

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