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PolygrAIAI-powered digital polygraph for real-time risk assessment

PolygrAI is a digital polygraph tool that implements artificial intelligence to conduct real-time risk assessment and sentiment analysis. It focuses on analyzing various psychological indicators to identify potential signs of deception. The tool inspects facial micro-expressions and body language to glean information about behavioral fluctuations, utilizes remote photoplethysmography to measure heart rate variability, examines blinking patterns, observes eye movements, and assesses body gestures. Additional parameters like the analysis of tone and pitch changes, detection of fleeting facial expressions and evaluation of word choices also inform its insights. Further, the platform offers real-time analysis of emotional states by evaluating sentiment and intent. By combining psychology practices with advanced AI and computer vision techniques, PolygrAI establishes behavioral baselines for individuals to improve the accuracy of risk assessments. Its comprehensive risk scores, derived from visual, auditory, and physiological data interpretation, aid users in decision-making processes in various contexts. Potential uses of this technology extend to HR & recruiting processes, management and team analysis, and supporting law enforcement during suspect interrogations.

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More About PolygrAI

PolygrAI - Digital Polygraph Powered by AI


PolygrAI is an innovative digital polygraph platform that provides real-time insights into emotional states and potential deception. Utilizing advanced AI and computer vision, PolygrAI offers a comprehensive risk assessment and sentiment analysis tool.

Key Features

  • Visual Analysis: Detects behavioral fluctuations through facial micro-expressions and body language.
  • Audio Monitoring: Analyzes vocal attributes like tone and pitch to identify subtle changes.
  • Deception Cues: Utilizes psychological indicators to identify potential signs of deception.
  • Heart Rate Monitoring: Uses Remote Photoplethysmography to detect heart rate variability.
  • Blinking Patterns: Assesses blinking frequency to indicate cognitive stress or deceit.
  • Eye Gaze Tracking: Monitors eye movements and gaze directions for irregularities.
  • Voice Analysis: Analyzes shifts in voice tone and pitch for emotional insights.
  • Gesture Observation: Observes hand and body movements for anomalies.
  • Micro-Expressions: Captures fleeting facial expressions that reveal underlying emotions.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Provides real-time emotional state analysis.
  • Linguistic Analysis: Evaluates word choices for patterns associated with deception.

Use Cases

  • Therapy: Supports therapists with insights into clients' emotional states.
  • Insurance: Enhances risk assessments during claims processing and underwriting.
  • Investors: Evaluates the trustworthiness and confidence levels of potential investments.
  • HR & Recruiting: Provides objective insights into candidates' demeanors.
  • Management: Assesses team dynamics and individual engagement levels.
  • Police Departments: Analyzes behavioral cues during interrogations.
  • Border Control: Evaluates risk profiles of individuals crossing borders.
  • Sales: Offers insights into client engagement and interest levels.


PolygrAI offers a range of pricing plans tailored to different user needs. Detailed pricing information is available upon request or by joining our beta program for exclusive early access.


PolygrAI is developed by a team of leading professionals and researchers in the field of deception detection. Our collaborative efforts focus on creating the most efficient multi-modal deception detection technology, with a current detection accuracy rate slightly above 70%.

Join the beta program to become an early adopter and gain lifetime unlimited access to PolygrAI's cutting-edge features.