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GlassAI copilot for React and Next.js developers

Glass is an AI copilot designed specifically for React and Next.js developers. Its primary function is to facilitate direct modifications from the browser using AI, enabling developers to create components, alter properties, and write Tailwind CSS without the need to delve deeply into the codebase. Glass also enhances user interaction by providing a visual representation of the component structure, allowing developers to identify the source components of each element easily. Another feature of Glass includes the ability to instantly navigate to the source code of the clicked element, enhancing comfort and precision compared to other click-to-code tools. As Glass only operates in development environments, there is no impact on production, and while Glass allows for editing of components and all their descendant components, it does not install packages. Glass also supports both applications and page routing. It is currently in its open beta stage for startups, with ongoing improvements being made to the AI.

Glass screenshot