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AskpotEfficient analysis of products & services for competition.

Askpot is an AI tool that enables users to perform competitive analysis quickly and efficiently. By analyzing the content of a landing page, Askpot extracts valuable information such as the unique value proposition, audience, positioning, call-to-action, features, pricing, trust factors, and social proof. This tool saves users time by automating the manual process of collecting and analyzing this information.With the ability to export results to a CSV format, users can easily compare and analyze data from multiple competitors in one convenient spreadsheet. Askpot's service is free to use, but there is a monthly query limit. Users can upgrade to the pro plan for more extensive access and uninterrupted support.Askpot is designed to be user-friendly, making it suitable for both data analysts and non-technical users such as managers. It empowers non-technical users to independently retrieve the data they need without relying on IT support or data experts.The accuracy of Askpot's results is a key aspect of their service. They pride themselves on delivering precise and reliable data using advanced algorithms and smart query optimization. Continuous efforts are made to enhance system accuracy and performance.Overall, Askpot streamlines the competitive analysis process, providing users with crucial insights about their competitors' landing pages efficiently and accurately.

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Askpot - Analyze Landing Pages with Ease

Make Competitive Analysis 5x Faster

Key Features

  • Identify competitors automatically with Askpot's Competitors Search Engine
  • Comparative analysis of competitors in minutes
  • Analyze up to 10 competitors in one report
  • Automatic Competitors Search
  • 15+ analysis parameters
  • Product Analysis
  • Marketing Analysis
  • Social Proof Analysis
  • Business Analysis
  • Unique Selling Points
  • CSV Export

Use Cases

  • Find competitors and analyze their Unique Value Proposition
  • Understand Audience, Positioning, and user feedback
  • Save time on manual research
  • Get instant overview on competitors
  • Avoid starting from scratch in competitive analysis
  • Collect and extract valuable information from competitor pages
  • Aggregate user feedback on product features


Our service is free to use with a limited number of queries per month. Upgrade to our pro plan for more extensive access and additional features.


Askpot is designed for both data analysts and non-technical users. Non-technical managers can independently retrieve the data they need without relying on IT support or data experts. Join over 3000 marketers who have saved 7800+ hours on manual research.