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leaniaOptimise your business with AI and automation. Maximise productivity and efficiency

Leania.ai is an AI consultant tool designed to analyse and optimise business processes for increased efficiency and growth. It achieves this by simulating your business environment, analyzing staff activities and business processes, and indicating where AI and automation can be best applied. For onboarding, it utilizes your company's LinkedIn page or a directly uploaded organization chart to establish your teams and roles. Using this data, it provides a digitised map of your company departments, business goals, and potential challenges. Leania.ai recommends suitable AI software and allows you to visualize the integration of AI across your operations. Importantly, it examines how ready your business processes are for the implementation of AI and automation, and estimates potential savings. The tool is designed to support users in navigating the rapidly evolving AI landscape, pointing out possibly underutilized technologies currently in use within the company and suggesting how they could be better leveraged. The software ultimately aims to reduce the time from analysis to action in adopting AI technologies.

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More About leania

Leania.ai - AI and Automation Simplified

Your On-Demand AI Expert

Leania.ai analyzes your business processes, staff activities, and goals to show you where and how best to leverage AI and automation to optimize your business for efficiency and growth.

Key Features

  • Thorough business process analysis
  • Personalized AI and automation recommendations
  • Integration with tools like LinkedIn and Slack
  • Identification of redundant tasks and inefficiencies
  • Continuous learning and optimization

Use Cases

  • Increase staff capacity by identifying redundant tasks
  • Optimize tool usage and reduce unnecessary app functionalities
  • Enhance decision-making with AI suitability evaluations
  • Improve customer experience and service speed
  • Gain a competitive edge with tailored AI strategies


Leania.ai offers a range of pricing options tailored to your business needs. Contact our sales team for a detailed quote and to find the best plan for your organization.


Leania.ai is designed to support various teams within your organization:

  • Product Teams: Streamline product development and reduce time-to-market.
  • Project Teams: Enhance project efficiency and resource allocation.
  • Marketing Teams: Optimize marketing strategies with data-driven insights.
  • Data Analytics Teams: Improve data processing and analysis capabilities.

Imagine a future where every inefficiency is eliminated, your team operates at peak performance, and your business grows effortlessly with Leania.ai. It's time to become a leaner, more efficient business.