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Auto GmailAI learns from you and drafts answers to all your emails

Auto Gmail connects directly to your inbox, trains on all your past email data to learn how you write and who you are and drafts email responses automatically to every inbound message you receive. It is the best way of saving hours every day. Instead of improving your productivity with shortcuts or apps like Superhuman, simply let our AI learn about you and answer all your emails instead of you. You don't need to click or instruct the AI, it works on mobile and desktop and writes emails even when you're not in Gmail. Upon opening your inbox, you'll see the new drafts, ready to be sent.

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More About Auto Gmail

Auto Gmail - ChatGPT AI for Email Inbox

Revolutionize Your Email Management

Auto Gmail connects directly to your Gmail inbox, leveraging your past email data and the power of ChatGPT to draft email responses automatically. Save hours every day by letting our AI learn your writing style and handle your email responses.

Key Features

  • Automated Email Drafting: AI drafts responses to every inbound message.
  • Personalized Learning: Trains on your past emails to mimic your writing style.
  • Cross-Platform: Works on both mobile and desktop.
  • Contextual Understanding: Incorporates additional context like calendar links and product pages.
  • Continuous Updates: Retrains every few days to stay current with your latest emails.
  • User Control: No email is sent without your approval.

Use Cases

  • Busy Professionals: Automate email responses to save time.
  • Customer Support: Quickly draft personalized replies to customer inquiries.
  • Sales Teams: Maintain consistent communication with leads and clients.
  • Freelancers: Manage multiple client communications effortlessly.
  • Remote Workers: Stay responsive even when on the go.


  • Free Trial: Five-day trial period.
  • Monthly Plan: $27 per month.
  • Annual Plan: $197 per year.
  • Max Plan: $47 per month for high-volume email users.


Auto Gmail is designed to support teams of all sizes, from small businesses to large enterprises. By automating email responses, teams can focus on more strategic tasks, improving overall productivity and efficiency. Each team member's AI is personalized to their unique communication style, ensuring consistency and professionalism in every email.

Experience the future of email management with Auto Gmail, where AI meets efficiency.