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AutoJobsApply to multiple jobs with a single click.

AutoJobs is an advanced AI tool designed to simplify and streamline the job application process. With a single click, users can apply to multiple jobs, thereby simplifying the typically time-consuming process. AutoJobs currently supports Indeed and LinkedIn job board applications, and looks to cover a wide variety of job platforms. Moreover, AutoJobs is offering life-time license with 50% off for the first users. Find out more about Auto Jobs by visiting their webpage.

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More About AutoJobs

AutoJobs: Automatic Job Applications with AI

Automate Your Job Applications and Land Your Dream Job Fast

Key Features

  • One-click apply: Apply to multiple jobs with a single click.
  • Bulk apply: Apply to all jobs listed on supported platforms.
  • Automatic: Save time by automating repetitive job applications.
  • Intelligent answers: AI extracts data from your CV to answer application questions.
  • Lifetime access: Pay once and enjoy all features without hidden fees.

Use Cases

  • Job Seekers: Apply to more jobs in less time, increasing your chances of getting hired.
  • Career Changers: Explore a wider range of opportunities quickly and efficiently.
  • Busy Professionals: Save time on job applications while maintaining accuracy and personalization.


Pro Plan

  • Price: $14.99 (Launch offer: $29.99)
  • Features:
    • Unlimited job applications
    • Bulk apply to jobs in one click
    • AI-generated answers to unique fields

Ultra Plan

  • Price: $44.99 (Launch offer: $89.99)
  • Features:
    • Includes all Pro features
    • Early access to new features
    • Early access to new job boards
    • Choose what features are built next


AutoJobs is developed by a dedicated team focused on revolutionizing the job application process. Our goal is to help job seekers apply smarter and faster using cutting-edge AI technology. We continuously improve our product based on user feedback and industry trends.