
MathSolver.topAdvanced free AI math solver to provide instant solution with 20%+ accuracy is an AI-powered tool designed to assist with solving math problems and act as a math calculator and personalized tutor. Users can simply take a photo of their math problems, upload it, then receive an instant step-by-step solution in 10 seconds! is solving any hard math problem (such as Calculus, Algebra, Integral etc) for users from 100+ countries worldwide! This tool aims to help students improve their math skills and understanding through interactive problem-solving. The tool is free to use and can be accessed anytime and anywhere, making it an effective learning companion for students from high school to university. offers two key modes: Homework Helper Mode and Tutor/Learner Mode. The Homework Helper mode provides instant step-by-step solutions, enabling users to comprehend the process of solving the problem. The Tutor/Learner mode offers a more personalized experience, generating study sets, tracking learning progress, and suggesting targeted daily tasks. It also provides practices on similar questions to enhance the understanding of weak concepts. In addition to solving problems, MathSolver assists in mastering new concepts and preparing for exams such as AP Calculus and SAT Math. screenshot