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AegisBlock up to 90% of application threats from the Internet

Aegis is designed as an application security tool providing runtime detection and protection. Its core function is to comprehensively secure apps by intercepting and validating all incoming and outgoing requests, thereby shielding against web attacks. This tool is equipped to robustly handle high traffic volumes, with features such as asynchronous processing and connection pooling which improve the performance of the application even during the implementation of comprehensive security measures. In addition, Aegis provides comprehensive monitoring, logging, and tracking of detected attacks and suspicious activities, providing insights useful for security auditing and threat identification. As a security tool, Aegis is designed for seamless integration with minimal code changes and no infrastructure alterations. Customizable policies allow users to specifically set and auto-update security rules, protocols, and patterns to tackle evolving threats. It's compatible with a variety of platforms, available for IIS on Windows platforms as a DLL and for unix-based web servers (like Nginx, Apache) as a python-based solution. Aegis also offers features like smart AI security rules, real-time request analysis, secure inter-module communication and it implements security headers for additional safety.

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