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Pitch PilotGet instant job alerts on Telegram and create tailored proposals on the go.

Pitch Pilot is an AI-powered tool designed to enhance freelance users' experiences on Upwork. This novel tool seamlessly integrates with Telegram to provide instant job notifications on Upwork, ensuring users stay ahead of their competition by being one of the first to know about new job opportunities. Beyond real-time job alerts, Pitch Pilot offers the capability to generate custom, AI-tailored proposals on the go; the AI agents intelligently craft proposals based on both the specifications of the job post and the users' professional skills. These personalized proposals go a step further by including relevant questions and suitable portfolio items, providing a unique proposal for every job post. On-the-go generation of proposals allows users to manage their potential job opportunities from anywhere, increasing their efficiency and responsiveness. The tool also offers feature of customizable proposal adjustments. Users can adjust the wording, style, tone, and length of the AI-generated content to better suit their personal voice and meet specific client needs. The tool also has provisions to translate text to any language and includes specific portfolio items based on the job requirements. The Pitch Pilot package offers two subscription plans: Freelancer and Freelancer Pro, both including features like multiple freelancer profiles management, a set number of proposals per month, customized job alerts and more. The freelancer Pro package incorporates additional perks suitable for high volume job applications and agencies. Finally, Pitch Pilot offers a 14-day free trial for both plans, allowing users to fully experience the full set of features offered by the tool.

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