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Mind Emulation Foundation: Preserving Minds for the Future


The Mind Emulation Foundation is dedicated to advancing scientific research to enable human mind emulation, allowing your mind to live on digitally after your biological body has ceased to function.

Key Features

  • Mind Emulation: Digitally emulate the human mind by mapping the connectome.
  • Connectomics Research: Focus on the comprehensive network of neural connections in the brain.
  • Preservation Techniques: Utilize advanced methods like aldehyde-stabilized cryopreservation.
  • Destructive and Non-Destructive Scanning: Explore both approaches to connectome scanning.
  • Future-Proof Storage: Store your connectome indefinitely until technology catches up.

Use Cases

  • Posthumous Digital Existence: Continue to interact with the world through digital or robotic avatars.
  • Scientific Research: Contribute to the understanding of the human brain and mind.
  • Medical Advancements: Potential applications in neurology and mental health treatments.
  • Ethical and Philosophical Exploration: Address questions about identity, consciousness, and the essence of being human.


The Mind Emulation Foundation operates on a donation-based model to fund its research and development. Contributions help accelerate the path toward making mind emulation a reality.


The foundation is composed of a multidisciplinary team of neuroscientists, engineers, ethicists, and technologists. Together, they work towards the common goal of preserving human minds through advanced scientific research and technological innovation.