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LinkedIn RoasterGet a harsh reality check by roasting your LinkedIn Profile

When I saw Github roaster I realized that people don't flex their skills and titles on Github, while LinkedIn is a completely different story.

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More About LinkedIn Roaster

LinkedIn Roaster - Brutal Honesty for Your Profile


LinkedIn Roaster is your go-to service for brutally and hilariously dissecting LinkedIn profiles. Ready for some tough love? Our platform offers a unique blend of humor and honesty to help you optimize your LinkedIn presence.

Key Features

  • Profile Roasting: Get your LinkedIn profile roasted with brutal honesty.
  • Profile Optimization: Improve your profile for just $1.99.
  • Public Roasts: Make your roast public and viewable by everyone.
  • Support the Service: Contribute to keep the service running and improving.

Use Cases

  • Job Seekers: Enhance your LinkedIn profile to attract potential employers.
  • Professionals: Get a fresh perspective on your professional presence.
  • Students: Prepare your profile for internships and job applications.
  • Entrepreneurs: Optimize your profile to attract investors and partners.


  • Profile Optimization: $1.99 per profile.
  • Support Options: Contributions to help cover costs for AI services and LinkedIn URL lookups.


The LinkedIn Roaster team is dedicated to providing a unique and entertaining way to improve your LinkedIn profile. We leverage AI services like Claude and rely on user support to keep the service running smoothly.