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Trust Swiftly Flexible & Accurate Identity Verification.

Only ask what you need to with 15+ identity verification methods. Trusted by businesses that block more than 1% of transactions or spend more than 1-hour reviewing customers.

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More About Trust Swiftly

Trust Swiftly: Verification Platform for Trusting People Fast


Trust Swiftly offers a flexible and accurate identity verification platform designed to automate trust and safety workflows. Trusted by businesses that block more than 1% of transactions or spend more than 1-hour reviewing customers, Trust Swiftly ensures secure and efficient customer verification.

Key Features

  • Flexible Verification: Only ask for necessary information with 15+ identity verification methods.
  • Verification Methods: Options include SMS, Voice, ID, Liveness, Document, Video, Social, Banking, and more.
  • Faster Reviews: Automate identity proofing and optimize fraud solutions with added integrations.
  • Cutting Edge Security: Stay ahead of adversarial AI, deepfakes, and sophisticated attacks.
  • Privacy and Security Compliance: Data compliant and respects customer privacy.

Use Cases

  • Fintech: Adapt verification levels based on risk scores or business rules.
  • E-commerce: Require verification adaptively to block fraud and approve real customers.
  • Apps and Marketplaces: Offer a secure and optimal experience with various verification methods.
  • High-Risk Transactions: Use expensive authentication methods for high-value transactions.



  • Price: $29 / month
  • Included Verifications: 50
  • Additional Verifications: Starting at $0.15 per verify
  • Admin: 1 admin (14-day free trial)


  • Price: $149 / month
  • Included Verifications: 100
  • Additional Verifications: Starting at $0.20 per verify
  • Users: Unlimited


  • Contact Us: Custom pricing for identity verifications designed for your business at scale


Trust Swiftly is designed to support teams with customizable verification methods, international coverage, secure data storage, and competitive pricing. The platform is customer-centric, ensuring a great experience while combating fraud.

Start with flexible and accurate verification for free. Get started today!