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i18nlocaleTranslate your content locally through code

Translate your application's content into multiple languages with our local AI-powered translation tool.

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More About i18nlocale

i18n AI - Local + Effortless i18n Translation

Translate your application's content into multiple languages with our local AI-powered translation tool.

Key Features

  • Powerful Translation Capabilities: Supports multiple languages, provides local-first translations, and integrates seamlessly with JSON, YAML, and JS/TS.
  • Multiple Languages: Translate your content into 200+ languages with our comprehensive language support.
  • Local-first Translation: Keep your translation files safe and fully in your control. Our service only uses local-first models and will never communicate with a server.
  • File Format Support: Translate content into popular file formats like JSON, YAML, and JS/TS. If there is a file format you prefer, let us know and we can discuss building it.

Use Cases

  • Web Applications: Easily translate your web app's content to reach a global audience.
  • Mobile Applications: Ensure your mobile app is accessible in multiple languages.
  • E-commerce: Localize your product descriptions and customer communications.
  • Documentation: Translate technical documents and user manuals efficiently.


  • Free Plan: $0

    • Unlimited translations
    • 203 supported languages
    • Two languages at a time
  • Pro Plan: $20 (One-time purchase)

    • Unlimited translations
    • 203 supported languages
    • Translate to all languages in one click
    • Customer support


Our AI-powered translation tool is designed to support teams of all sizes. Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, our tool can help streamline your translation process, ensuring consistency and accuracy across all your content. Sign up for a free trial or request a demo to see how our translation tool can help your business.