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GlobalSeoMultilingual SEO with AI

Most people google in their native language. Let AI translate your website into 93 languages to reach customers globally.

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More About GlobalSeo

GlobalSeo - Translate Websites with AI

Reach More Customers Globally

Key Features

  • Translate your website into 93 languages
  • Get listed on Google globally
  • Free API key for easy integration
  • SEO optimization in 93 languages
  • Automatic translation of new text
  • Setup in under 5 minutes

Use Cases

  • Expand your business reach to international markets
  • Improve SEO rankings in multiple languages
  • Simplify website localization
  • Enhance user experience for non-English speakers
  • Save time and resources on manual translations


Free Forever

  • 2,000 translated words
  • Start for free

Average Website

  • $1.00/mo or $10.00/annually (2 months free)
  • 10,000 translated words
  • 100 pages SEO indexed
  • Up to 2 languages
  • 10,000 pageviews/mo

Big Business

  • $15.00/mo or $150.00/annually (25% off)
  • 200,000 translated words
  • 2,000 pages SEO indexed + crawling
  • Up to 15 languages
  • 200,000 pageviews/mo

Global Empire

  • $150.00/mo or $1,500.00/annually (50% off)
  • 3,000,000 translated words
  • 30,000 pages SEO indexed + crawling
  • Up to 93 languages
  • 3,000,000 pageviews/mo


GlobalSeo integrates with any CMS or framework, making it easy for teams to add a small code snippet to their website and start translating immediately. Our solution is designed to streamline the process of website localization, ensuring top SEO rankings and efficient multilingual communication for global teams.