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More About AutoJobs

AutoJobs: Automatic Job Applications with AI

Automate Your Job Applications and Land Your Dream Job Fast

Key Features

  • One-click apply: Apply to multiple jobs with a single click.
  • Bulk apply: Apply to all jobs listed on supported platforms.
  • Automatic: Save time by automating repetitive job applications.
  • Intelligent answers: AI extracts data from your CV to answer application questions.
  • Lifetime access: Pay once and enjoy all features without hidden fees.

Use Cases

  • Job Seekers: Streamline your job search process and apply to more jobs in less time.
  • Career Changers: Explore a wider range of opportunities quickly and efficiently.
  • Recent Graduates: Increase your chances of landing a job by applying to more positions.


Pro Plan

  • Price: $14.99 (Launch offer: $29.99)
  • Features:
    • Unlimited job applications
    • Bulk apply to jobs in one click
    • AI-generated answers to unique fields

Ultra Plan

  • Price: $44.99 (Launch offer: $89.99)
  • Features:
    • Includes all Pro features
    • Early access to new features
    • Early access to new job boards
    • Choose what features are built next


AutoJobs is developed by a dedicated team focused on revolutionizing the job application process. We continuously work on adding new features and supporting more job platforms to ensure you have the best tools at your disposal.