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CompanyGPT 2.0Search engine for companies and people

Real-time company and people discovery LinkedIn-enriched data Screen and enrich companies with unlimited searches -Live headcount & growth -Headcount by country/function -Specific industries -Exec hire Data updated every 14 days

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More About CompanyGPT 2.0

CrustData - Company GPT

AI-powered thematic company screener

Key Features

  • Search for companies based on specific criteria
  • Explore trending searches
  • Identify companies with specific growth metrics
  • Find companies by funding rounds and founder backgrounds
  • Discover companies with significant web traffic growth

Use Cases

  • Locate companies with 50-200 employees growing more than 25% YoY
  • Find fintech companies that have raised a series A in the past 90 days
  • Identify companies building generative AI with founders from Harvard
  • Search for companies with over 100 employees, growing web traffic more than 30% MoM, headquartered in Western Europe
  • Discover early-stage longevity companies


Contact CrustData for detailed pricing information and to request a demo.


CrustData's team is dedicated to providing comprehensive and accurate company data, enabling users to make informed decisions based on thematic searches and growth metrics.