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RapidPipeline3D data prep made easy

3D data prep is hard. But ordering a pizza is easy. Through an automated toolchain, RapidPipeline makes 3D data prep as easy as ordering a pizza - helping artists prepare 3D content, at massive scale. Deep tech battle-tested on more than 4 million 3D models.

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More About RapidPipeline

RapidPipeline: Streamline Your 3D Workflows

RapidPipeline is a powerful tool designed to optimize and streamline 3D workflows for businesses of all sizes. With over 4,000,000 optimized 3D models, it offers a comprehensive solution for 3D data preparation and management.

Key Features

  • Best-in-Class 3D Optimizer
  • 3D Format Conversion
  • Material Baker
  • Compression
  • Delivery Presets
  • On-Premise Option
  • Single, Automatable Pipeline

Use Cases

  • Scale from pilot projects to full content portfolios
  • Customize file formats, optimization methods, and target resolutions
  • Deploy via Web UI, REST API, private cloud, on-premise Docker container, or CLI
  • Scene & Mesh Optimization with configurable flattening and decimation
  • 3D Format Transcoding between Transmission & Exchange Formats
  • DCC to PBR Translation for material conversion


  • Free trial available (no credit card needed)
  • Custom pricing options for different business needs


RapidPipeline is trusted by global customers, including:

  • Meta
  • Shutterstock
  • Drive Commerce
  • Roomle
  • Atelier Markgraph
  • OTTO Group
  • botspot
  • Fibbl
  • Inclusify

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