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Competitor ResearchThe fastest, easiest way to find and research competitors

Meet Competitor Research, the all-in-one tool that helps you discover and research your competitors. Get a comprehensive competitor research report for a one-time fee, with SEO, marketing, pricing, product and many more insights.

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More About Competitor Research

Competitor Research: Complete Competitor Analysis for Your Business


Find and research your competitors with ease. Get your complete research report so you can go back to growing your business.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive list of competitors
  • Detailed competitor analysis reports
  • Search traffic insights (organic and paid)
  • Keyword ranking analysis
  • Backlink analysis
  • Target audience insights
  • Customer engagement metrics
  • Competitor pricing strategies
  • Website performance evaluation
  • Competitor reviews and feedback

Use Cases

  • Identify direct, indirect, substitute, and potential competitors
  • Understand competitor marketing strategies
  • Launch better products based on competitor offerings
  • Enhance your SEO by analyzing competitor keywords and backlinks
  • Compare your business performance with market standards
  • Discover new market opportunities and customer needs


All-in Plan: $249 $149

For businesses that want to find and research their competitors. Includes:

  • Full list of all your competitors
  • Detailed summary of your company vs competition
  • Individual deep dive on each competitor
  • Keyword research of your competitors
  • Backlinks for each competitor
  • Web traffic of each competitor
  • Actionable insights
  • Complete money-back guarantee


Competitor Research is designed to support businesses of all sizes, from startups to established enterprises. Our tool helps marketing teams, product development teams, and business strategists gain valuable insights into their competitive landscape, enabling them to make informed decisions and drive growth. Whether you're researching a new idea or refining your current strategy, Competitor Research provides the data and analysis you need to stay ahead of the competition.