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ValidatorResearch and validate you micro saas ideas fast as Cheetah

Do competitor and trend research easily and fast. Just describe your idea and let the platform do the magic 🪄. The platform researching for competitors in Product hunt so its fit great small indie hackers.

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More About Validator

AI Research Platform for Idea Validation and Competitors Research

Validate Your Idea Fast and Easy

Key Features

  • Automated Research: Get competitor analysis and key stats with a few clicks.
  • User-Friendly Platform: No steep learning curve. Jump right in and start validating.
  • Product Hunt Focus: Research on Product Hunt, analyzing projects from fellow indie hackers.

Use Cases

  • Save Time & Money: Focus on what really matters.
  • Competitive Edge: Find trends and gaps your competitors missed.
  • Better Chances: More likely to succeed with validation.


Starter Plan: $0 / lifetime

  • Lifetime access to the platform
  • Competitor research
  • Competitor analysis
  • Google Trends
  • Email Support
  • Saving reports


Created by Max, an entrepreneur with 2.5 years of experience and 6 failed projects. This tool was developed to help others avoid the mistakes he made, saving time and money by ensuring ideas are solid before building.